Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Celebrating Some Milestones! (A Message From Kendall)

Celebrate some achievements with me as I take a look back at what has come to pass since I've started my blog! Also included, a list of what my Top 10 favorite captions that I've written are!

First off, to those who are reading this, a big thank you from me to you!

As of today, I am now celebrating one year and two-ish months of being active on this blog! In addition, just today, I have hit over 200,000 overall views, and my most popular caption has also reached a milestone 2,000 views! Something sure is popular about the number two!
In all seriousness, I couldn't have imagined getting such attention when I first started this blog. Mostly I did it because a lot of people had one and I wanted to be cool too. I believe I celebrated some eight page views that first month. I was pretty darn ecstatic. Then I broke 100, then 200, 500, 1,000, and now I'm averaging some 2,000 per day! Much thanks by the way to Courtney's Clean Caps who gave me a shout out on her site in November (you can see the post here), that literally shot up the number of page views to into the tens of thousands! 
And speaking of recognition, I am downright flattered at all the attention that my blog has received from some amazing captioners whose  blogs I read on a pretty consistent basis before starting my own! Although I love you all, I have to say that having Evie and Caitlyn recognize my work had to be one of the most thrilling events since I started this blog (if you haven't checked out their blogs already, yet somehow stumbled onto mine, I highly encourage that you do so!). They both produce amazing captions and I always look forward to seeing what they come up with, so getting a complement from them in the form of a comment was like a swimmer getting a pat on the back from Michael Phelps! I felt totally honored, so thank you girls very much! 
And since I'm on a roll here at thanking people, I would also like to recognize Elise and Sammie (starhawk) over at Rachel's Haven. I really wish they had caption blogs as well, because each of their caps are so scrumptious! They are both definitely two other captioners that I highly respect. I would also like to thank all the girls at Rachel's Haven for their support and help in captioning (and to those of you whom I still owe caps...I will get you back, eventually...eventually being the key word, its difficult for me to force a cap at the moment, I just sort of go wherever inspiration takes me, but I haven't forgotten about you guys)!
In addition, to all that have commented on my blog, Elle-Jae, Dee, Mistress Simone, Realfield, Jenny, Kisara, Elena Starz, Annabelle Raven-Hyde, Jodie Hyde, EvaGrubbFan, Lizzie LaRue, Abdul, Jenny, Katie Mills, and all my anonymous commenters, thank you so much for taking the time to leave feedback and let me know what you appreciate! I look forward to every comment that I receive, so keep 'em coming!
And now, without further ado (I know that was a long rant, so thanks for bearing with me), my personal Top 10 favorites! Click the titles to be taken to the cap!